Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Being lost in transition..

Ever wonder what the world looks like when we stop to reflect what we have been in the recent past. It's so easy to dream how a perfect world appears in our mind while we chase our dreams. The scary part of the whole process is when one day we are struck by the truth of realisation and wonder what were we caught up in. Its really the day when you realise that all that you have been chasing are all nothing but representation of materialistic presence and social well being. It sure struck me the moment I realised my past has outdone my present , the feeling that proved that being lost in transition is not just a phrase for literal meaning. I have really come so far in my life to realise all the goals and ambitions are just my identity was trapped in the hype which has been created by humans. Accomplishment is the  very word which questions the choices and decisions that I have made in my life. All the compromises, the pain of letting things go and telling the world has become a better place to live continues to haunt the feeling that the past was the reality of life. The present life is just a dream which was created to signify the identity which which will continue to be mystery which might never be resolved. Lost in transition is definitely the right phrase for those who seek solace in redemption.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This very second...

Life is full of so many things , so many problems, so many heartbreaks and not forgetting the endless beautiful thoughts...But we are somehow always caught living the past instead of living this very second...All the lesssons and decisions that we make this very moment seems to be influenced greatly by the past and the anxiety not to repeat mistakes from the past, leaves no stones unturned for us to rectify and make this decision look so decisive and vital...WHY???...Have you ever wondered???...I have today sat and realised that the past is just a history book that it used as a reference but not as a referendum of the future...By living the moments of the past and being greatly influenced by the past , we are actually throwing away the golden opportunity of creating beautiful moments right from the heart this very second...Think of it...Realise your moments...There is a whole lifetime to make a beautiful album but there is no time to make the history an album for the future...We are who we are...We are made to make mistakes and come with more wonderful ways of rectifying a mistake from the past...Never ever get caught up in the past moments as there will always be a tendency to drown into it and never emerge out of it...Life is about this very second...Live it...Love it...We are not robots programmed to perfection, we are humans who are perfect due to mistakes we make...Life is a process which there will be cycles of turbulence and happiness...Choose the right path and never get trapped in the past nor look to the future...Always live this very second...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Missing someone....

Are you missing someone???...Wonder why???..The beauty of life is that sometimes we fail to comprehend are the wonderful people whom we love and care...The times when we spend beside our loved ones makes us feel so on top of the world and the heartbeat is more racy if that moment is beside the love of our life...Some of us are so fortunate to spend eternity with the love of our life while the rest has to sometimes compromise on the time given by the grace of the moment...Have we ever wondered how would it to be apart from the person whom shares their presence in our life almost every second,minute,hour and day of our life???...Have we ever uttered the three simple magical words which carries the significance of the person in our life???..Ponder along these lines...The three words are I miss you...Its mysterious how such simple words portray such deep and penetrative meaning in someone's life...I just sat one day, and realised how many beautiful loving people I have in my life whom I may not have uttered those words to...It was a real eye opener to me as I realised there were too many to name...Wow...Really???...I asked myself, and spent the next few minutes thinking how my life would have turned out to be without them...The answer got to me, the very next moment when my heart left me aching helplessly and feeling lonely...The tears from the eyes were a blink away...The beautiful life we live is constructed by beautiful loving people around us...When there is no one to shower love and care towards us...We are NO ONE!!!...Rise up, wake up...Always show that we are deeply appreciative for the love people show us and never stop missing them every second of our life as, life is short and twists of life are unpredictable...The importance of someone is highlighted when we miss them dearly and truly honestly from deep down our hearts...I am mystified by the importance of these words... I thought they were just to highlight our affection towards a special someone, hence masking the significance of everyone in life...These words are truly magical...Say it to all the person whom you love and care, realise the magic unfolding the next very moment...I miss you...I miss you all...

Friday, April 9, 2010


LIFE is interesting..The twists and turns of life are rather unpredictable…Wish that there was someone whom could predict it but the reality bites as it is way to difficult..
To cite an example, a girl is the most unique,complicated and delicate creation of god..They can be the most beautiful and wonderful gift in one’s life but they are the most unpredictable people in the world..If you don't believe me as the guys??..Just as girls,love is complicated,magical,beautiful and wonderful..Love is one of the most beautiful feeling in one’s life..There are ups and downs in love but trust between two lovers is the core of love itself..When doubts and prejudice takes control of love it dies..Why do lovers doubt or have regrets over love?…There was,is and will never be a wrong in love but there will always be mistakes by lovers..Love was created to be pure and i for one pray it remains that way ..I love being loved and i never intentionally wanted to hurt anyone.I am extremely sorry if i ever hurt those whom love me..I wish i have always shown all those around me that i love you all..Hope this blog reminds us to love each other for
person we are, as beautiful dreams come real without expectations..If you ever love someone just drown into their eyes and utter the three simple words..I love you…Never forget to say these words..The greatest feeling in the world is to look into the eyes of the person whom you love and to say I LOVE YOU..These are the most magical 3 words that signifies the significance and importance of the bond between two humans..


There are many moments in life, where we wish there was always someone to be by us to cherish them , but there are also moments which makes us feel distanced..What is so special about moments??..Life is a journey of moments which are unpredictable and unexpected..We humans seem to always to relish the beautiful moments instead of sizing it up and saying that was a magical moment , the reason being,we believe that magical moments are rare and we seem to be always in search of it..Once in a while we should close our eyes , relax our minds and recall beautiful moments that will seem magical to us now , as we sometimes overlook the the simplest of moments which could have been magical to us..Moments are always a treasure which we take for granted but there will never be a time where we don't have a moment , as moments are always there and it will always be a vital part of us..I wrote this to say thanks for all the magical moments that everyone have given me as sometimes though the simplest of things don't seem to matter , I wanna say EVERY MOMENT WITH YOU MATTERS..